on an island in the sun...
no romance for me!
ah, valentine's day...the most romantic day of the year! well, maybe for some people. once again, i will see no romance, feel no love, have no fun, but i still like v-day. i like the idea of LOVE! i am a romantic girl, although hopelessly alone with no one to shower love upon. maybe one day i will stumble upon my dream guy with one of cupid's arrows sticking in his heart. until then, i'll buy my own chocolate and roses, i guess.

last night i went to janie's for movies and egg rolls. i won the bet, sort of, and she promised some fun time. well, we did get the chance to chat a little. i couldn't get there until 7:30pm, because i had to work and i had a salon appointment already set. by the time we picked up dinner and returned home, it was after 8pm. so, we ate, i checked my e-mail, we talked for a few minutes, she got the kids ready for bed and at about 10pm we sat down to watch anne of green gables. she lasted only a few minutes and then fell asleep. so much for fun time, huh?

back to today. i am currently getting ready to go over janie's to babysit. it seems she will be enjoying v-day. and i get to help her enjoy it! aren't i a good little friend? well, i guess i should get going. i don't want to be late.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!

before & after

...we'll be playing and having fun
thanks: j designs & designer.com & nocturna.net